joint damage from lunges,dips,plank exercise,side ,lunges exercise and other common gym exercise

2 min readJan 20, 2021

joint damage from lunges,dips,plank exercise,side ,lunges exercise and other common gym exercise.Welcome to watch joint damage from lunges,dips,plank exercise,side ,lunges exercise and other common gym exercise.Find more at: This video is for joint damage from lunges,dips,plank exercise,side ,lunges exercise and other common gym exercise.In this video Dr.Steve Young talks about dips,plank exercise,lunges exercise,dips exercise,side laterals exercise,lunge.To watch this video you can learn about plank,perfect plank,joint damage from lunges,how to lunge,bench dips FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: please subscribe to our channel here on youtube at 1:21.1 so every movement that you just saw was actually damaging to one of the joints actually multiple joints in some of those cases for you now it doesn’t matter if you’re doing with perfect technique or some of those techniques 1:32.4 we’re not may be perfect but either way those were actually bio mechanically sound scientific lies harmful for your body and you might actually be doing 1:41.8 these some of these yourself or even on to your clients right so if you ever wanted to consider that possibility that there’s a deeper understanding of 1:50.5 biomechanics a deeper understanding of exercise science that would take the confusion of how do you select the right exercises to match your body or your 1:59.5 clients body and the movement levels then i invite you to learn more about this information i’ve been teaching this to trans all across the country since 2:07.9 1999 and i’m super excited with a share this information with you for example did you know that ace plane side lateral causes and contributes to rotator cuff 2:18.9 tears there’s an actual test we do in physical therapy as a physical therapist that we do to simulate the side lateral movement because we’re checking to see 2:27.6 if there is a tear and we were checking it’s because we know it’s jamming bone against bone inside the shoulder as you do this motion and think about it in 2:36.9 life when do you lift things out like this you don’t it’s not functional it’s actually damaging for your shoulder and that’s just one of all of the exercises 2:45.6 that I’ve done an example of how harmful that can be for you and so I invite you to learn this information how to match the right exercises what is the 2:53.3 fundamental science of biomechanics that you can learn to take the guesswork out of picking the best exercise routine and customize it to yourself you Please don’t forget to LIKE,COMMENT,SHARE & SUBSCRIBE our channel:

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